Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Power of Prayer???

A little food for thought.

This is the order of events from yesterday and today:

1. I had a particularly stressful day with one VERY rambunctious student yesterday. (Bad case of the "cain't help its" with a sprinkling of attitude. You gotta love 'em!)
2. I get an e-mail of posts from a site called "Art Lessons from God" and one of their links yesterday led me to a prayer site where people post their prayer requests.
3. I posted a prayer for all teachers of at-risk students to be filled with what we need to make a positive difference. When I posted I was thinking hard about this student.
4. This morning a call brought news that yesterday afternoon after school that particular student broke bones in their hand and won't be in class for several days.

I had a very productive and peaceful day today. I feel like I made a difference. ...While I wouldn't wish anything like this on any student, could this be the power of prayer? ....needless to say it gave me a rather large jolt!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Yesterday's Play Tomorrow's Fortune

Yesterday I was playing with one of the new apps on my Iphone. I polarized a photo of myself and used it as a guide to play with my new water-soluble oil paints. ...Guess I'm getting ready for Halloween. I'm hoping one day my play becomes a fortune... but if not - I sure do enjoy playing!

Haven't named it yet.... any suggestions?

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Punch and Judy and Water-Soluable Oil Paint

Well,'s been a little while. I had planned on using this as a means to market my art, but if I am to follow that plan, I actually need to paint a little more and be more dedicated to the cause and post a little more often. It stinks when you actually have to work for a living.

I have discovered a new kind of paint - which isn't all that new - just new to me. Water Soluable oil paint has sparked my creative juices more than I've been lately. ...Not a lot of time this morning, so I'll post yesterday's creations. 4 characters from the "Punch and Judy" Show. Each are 2.5" x 3.5" and were so much fun to do, it should almost be sinful!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Blue Moonshine

I'm gradually getting back to my painting again. Sharing this one with the world. Hope it brings someone a quiet place in their day...
Calling this one "Blue Moonshine"

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Back in the paint again.

...and something besides paint for my kitchen cabinets. I can't believe how crazy I've allowed life to be lately. The end of the school year always gets a little hectic, and add ordering, Lobo surprising me being home, and the kitchen update I'm either at full throttle or OFF!

After 2 months of not painting, I went to painting Thursday night and started a new painting. I'm using 4 x 4 canvases to create a sunflower collection. I've gotten 1 canvas completed out of 7. The backgrounds have been completed on all of them. Tried it again night before and wasn't having a good painting night. I went back to the kitchen cabinets again!

...Until I get pics of both...

Monday, May 11, 2009

Daisy Jane

It's been a little while, since my tick post.  Just sharing my new addition.  She's on her way home from the vets.  She is a little chihuahua rescue I have named Daisy Jane.  She was one of 50 in a 1 bedroom home.  The air toxicity was so high they wore hazmat suits initially. There was feces all over the place. There were an additional 30 outside.  There were a total of 89 chihuahuas, 16 goats, and 4 horses. (With more dogs coming because more than 4 were pregnant!)

This past week has been one milestone after another.  From being skiddish, to clingy, to "o.k. I can let you out of my site and I'll still be o.k.... but don't go too far or leave me something that I can "smell" you on."  Last week I took her to work with me. (Shhhhh. Don't tell the boss.) Two days ago was the first day she played.  She doesn't see size and she's furocious when she's in my arms. When I plop her in someone's arms, she gets quiet and doesn't growl.  She chased my "pitstralian" out of the kitchen and he had his tail tucked!  I'm working on this behavior.

She's smart - already house broken, can sit, has NO problems walking on a leash.  I am ashamed to say I'm becoming one of "those" doggie moms.  I bought her an "Easy Rider" t-shirt yesterday...and she looks too cute in pink! (For Shame - she dresses better than I do!)

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Removing Ticks

I know, you're wondering about the title, but you nature lovers understand the importance of this little tidbit.  I have No Clue where the information originated, but it sounds like it just may work.  The e-mail sent said, and I quote:

"Apply a glob of liquid soap to a cotton ball. Cover the tick with the soap-soaked cotton ball and swab it for a few seconds (15-20), the tick will come out on its own and be stuck to the cotton ball when you lift it away.  This technique has worked every time I've used it (and that was frequently), and it's much less traumatic for ! the patient and easier for me. Unless someone is allergic to soap, I can't see that this would be damaging in any way. I even had my doctor's wife call me for advice because she had one stuck to her back and she couldn't reach it with tweezers. She used this method and immediately called me back to say,  "It worked!"

My wish to you... is that you never have to use the information! 

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Pancake Designs and a wonderful family!

Easter is a wonderful day in many ways, but for me it's extra special. I get to partake in my annual ritual of becoming a pancake designer. Yes, the domestic self comes to the surface and I design pancakes. Sunday is normally pancake breakfasts anyway, but on Easter Sunday my pancakes grow ears and a tail.

For those that know my mother, you know how serious (and opinionated) she can be. I'm sure she and I had "fun" when I was little, but the most exciting time I can remember with her was an Easter Sunday where she fixed bunny pancakes. ...just one year. When Jesse was born and grew teeth, I wanted to have him experience the "happy" I had when presented those brown buttered bunnies. ...and the ritual began.

This year, I'm sharing with you all - not a masterpiece, but I saw a guy on the Food network do some phenominal art with pancake batter. He had a squeezie ketchup bottle with batter for more control. I, on the other hand, had a measuring cup. ...I'm going to invest, and next year we'll compare works! (Lobo likes his a little more "brown" than I do!)

It was a little sad today at our family get together, as my Aunt Gerry, and Uncle Clarence were not able to be there. We usually have it at their house, I can never remember having Easter any where else in my 40+ years. We all met at my Cousin Margie's and had a wonderful feast and fellowship with family. You know, the "hmmmm now what's that person's name" moments. I saw Vicki & Debbie, and their children. It was good to see them - it's been years! Overall, it's been a great day! Happy Easter all!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Slurping Up an Apalachicola Art Walk

Saturday was the Apalachicola Art Walk and Wine and Cheese Tasting. I'm not a drinker, but I did say cheese in a couple of photos! ;)

Here I am in all my glory, painting up a storm. (No pun intended with all the wicked weather we've been having.) I had a grand time, sold a little, exposed a lot (and no, I didn't get beads - just a sunburn - and it was only on my right arm!) If you click on the Title, it will take you to the postcard about the event. My honey and I ate dinner at "The Owl" of Southern Living claim - my earnings paid for half the meal and the gas, so I probably made about a dollar. I also had a brush with a celebrity. David Hart of "In the Heat of the Night" had dinner with us - lol o.k., so he was at the next table, but for some reason my honey sees him on a regular basis: at the gas station, at the Captain's Table in Panama City, and there was another time of late. Lobo's a difficult character to forget once you've seen him, so there is always a recognition. I'm usually not too impressed by the "celebrity" fame - people are people. However, I will say Mr. Hart is very comfortable in his own skin, doesn't mind striking up a conversation, and smiles. His wife is also very nice. I did slip him a postcard with my "Dixie's Retreat" painting and told him next time he wanted to hang out with my man all he had to do was call me and I would arrange it. lol I appreciate "Real" people, and I'm pretty good at spotting phony people - David and his wife both seem very real and it was a pleasure meeting them both. Along with the many other people who came by and talked with me - Joe at the Museum, Marsha who lives on a sailboat with Chester (her dog) and a guitar player, Jan my pottery making friend, and many other Georgia folks and Tallahassee folks. Oh, and thank you Gary Wayne - owner of Market Street Antiques for allowing me to set up shop in front of your shop! It was a great day!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I won, and now I'm hooked. )

Since getting notice of winning Punny, I'm using some of my spring break leisure finding blog giveaways. Lots of interesting things out here. The latest I found was from The Giveaway & Laura J.'s Designs jewelry work. I've entered! Very unique stuff.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

A Good Day for painting.

I finished a painting today. I had started it last night. It was one based on the photo of the boat at East Point. I'm very pleased with the outcome, but will take it painting class on Thursday night to see what Ann thinks. It always helps to have a second eye!

I sat outside with the sun at my back, felt the warmth and enjoyed the smell of the tea olive blooms. (Reminds me of my grandmother!) I played a little on the Patriot Rider painting, and I started one of the lighthouse in Carrabelle. I'll try and take pictures tomorrow and post them this week. Ick - it's almost Monday already. Guess I need to try and get to sleep. Anyone have earplugs? Lobo's rattling windows tonight!

Friday, March 20, 2009

I found the building!

It has always been a dream of mine to own a 2 story downtown building. Store front below, living quarters below. I've found it! (Shown below!)
My art guild was invited by the Carrabelle Artists group for a day of Plein Air painting and everything seems to be falling in place. Carrabelle is noted in the Guiness World Book of Records for having the world's smallest police station, and the property I want is on the same block (stone's throw away). Here are a couple of photographs of the parade (Carrabelle is also the place where soilders trained for the World War II D-Day invasion - the parade was in honor of vets) and another shot taken in nearby Eastpoint.

I'm working on the painting of the patriot riders, it clearly envokes feeling and shows the true understanding of the sacrifices our vets have made. The one below is a typical scene in the area. Just one reason I have truly fallen in love!

Say prayers or send energy (or money if you'd like)! I hope I can find a way to creatively fund the projects I have in mind. Art gallery, recreation program, after-school tutoring, and vacation rental, and vendor/artists rental space. If anyone has any suggestions or knowledge of resources that may be available to aquire the building PLEASE leave a contact or e-mail me. I'm ready to live out my dream and be a community hub for creativity and giving!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

As promised... photos of the new paining!

Just need to paint the sides now. This first one on the wall at school.
Cropped.. had to adjust the colors a them as close to what they are...

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Happy Square Root Day!

I know - it's been a little while. I've tried to catch up since the OWOH giveaway. Full time work , home and health needed a little attention. The thyroid medication was upped and a few extra tweeks of loose screws, I'm beginning to feel almost human!

I painted last night and completed, start to finish, a new painting. It's a still life - a water glass of flowers in an impressionistic style. I'm pleased with it and it wasn't too taxing. I'm usually more pleased with a painting and the creative flow when I am able to relax. I haven't really done any impressionistic painting before last night, or at least not that I could readily identify. I was a little out of my comfort level but I was in the mood. I'll post a pic as soon as I take one. I'm testing it on the wall. The back-ground was a mix of ultramarine blue, red or some variety and raw umber. It turns into almost a chocolate brown, and I have an accent wall of milk chocolate on one of my classroom walls. Looks pretty good if I do say so myself!

In the meantime, I found another art doll give-away. The link to it is on the right. Kindred Sisters Gathering Post is the sponsor! ... but just go look, don't comment. lol - maybe I'll have a better chance of winning! lol

Thursday, February 12, 2009

and the winning numbers are:

....and the winning numbers(if you can't read my blurry screen shot or you don't want to click on it) are in the order they were chosen:

161: Winner of Dixie's Retreat" 8" X 10" matted print -

176: "Blue Door" notecards - Sonny Nobles (honest to goodness how this happened, I'm really not sure, but I work next door to him. The numbers were randomly chosen from I'll probably add an additional winner just because this is just too freaky!) make up for this bizarre incident: #142 -

#118: Froggie Hangin' On notecards-

#16: Wolf notecards -

#147: "Dixie's Retreat" fridge magnet -

I've e-mailed everyone or left a message on your blog, and I hope to hear from you very soon! Congratulations!


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Ten, Nine, Eight, Seven....

I'm counting down. Thirty more minutes till the end of the giveaway. (One World One Heart )I'm thrilled that it will soon be over, so I can actually start digging into and following some of the participants. It amazed me to find so many creative people sharing the same "space". This two caution light gal loves that the world has gotten a little smaller for her, and I'm sure many other small town artists feel a freedom like no other here... blogging, chatting, finding like-minded people.

27 minutes left to enter.... scroll down and get your name in the pot!

Photo of the night will be of what I call FL913 - (it's the boat numbers....) a lot like what you might see in the area, but strickly a place from my mind! Hope you like...

Monday, February 9, 2009

What flower are you?

I am a

What Flower
Are You?

Going through the One World One Heart giveaway...found this one - couldn't help it...

Friday, February 6, 2009

Marvin the Martian, Wolves and Money

I'm watching Dr. Strangelove. ...well, I was listening, and I thought Marvin the Martian had somehow entered the scene. a little humerous second or two.

I think I've been overdue in adding some of my painting photos here. FINALLY, we figured I needed a little more juice in my thyroid medication, and today I've started to feel a little more like the normal me, which includes a tiny bit of adventure and a little more "feel the fear and do it any way" attitude.

Everyone calls my honey Lobo, (to whom belong the boots in an earlier post)and I found an old puzzle of a wolf. I figured I'd give my first 4-legged animal a try. It's the third painting I've finished since I decided to give this painting thing a more serious look. First was the boots, even though I started the blue door first I finished it second. The wolf was a challenge, but fun. Of course, like most perfectionists, I see things that are a little "catiwampus"...but I'm pretty pleased for a first. I did figure something out... do the background first! lol (but I still get excited an forget)

I still have the original and it's for sell... any takers? It's a 16" X 20" acrylic and currently in a barnwood frame. Any offers considered... Setting prices on art initially have been difficult. I've been told, the general rule of thumb is a dollar per square inch. $320? What do you think? How would YOU set your art prices in today's economy?

...oh, and I DO have prints... I'll post sizes and prices shortly!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

So overwhelmed!

It's lunch-time and I snuck a peak at my OWOH give-away, and in less than 12 hours over 50 people have signed up. My head is swelling at all the compliments and it has come at such a phenomenal time in my psyche. My motivation to paint had withered a bit... this has given me just the amount of watering I needed to make me want to go home and plant a little paint tonight! Thank you!!!!!


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

One World One Heart. - Give Away..

I just stumbled upon a One World One Heart. A very unique concept, and I'm going to give it a try if my battery doesn't die before I can get to it. Of course, the deadline to get it in is tonight.

I will be giving away a matted print (8"x10" with mat) entitled "Dixie's Retreat"... and no, it has nothing to do with the place or the song, but a person. Dixie was one of those unique women who seemed acutely aware of who she was and stood firmly at her place in this world. She led an adventurous life from what I knew of her, and you could normally see the joy that she held inside her. The day I heard Dixie was very ill was the night of my painting class. I chose to paint this one in her honor.

.....She has since passed on to the next life, but she will not be forgotten. She loved to travel and loved the ocean. So I look forward to sharing it with one of those that enter and in a way it will also have a part of her keep traveling on this earth! . You enter by commenting, leaving your name and a way to get in touch with you if you are the one chosen to receive it. (random drawing from the entries) ...One World, One Heart....

Ooops - forgot to mention, the winner will be announced on February 12th, 2009! Deadline to enter will be the 11th @ 11;59 pm :)

Guys, I've had such a GREAT response, I'm adding a set of blank note cards with envelopes of the painting on the right (no wait - that's my other right!) This will be for a 2nd drawing...and if I happen to hit over 150 comments I'll have a 3rd drawing... I'll add a set of my froggie cards (the one I use for my icon) too... maybe more anyway. This giveaway has been such an enriching experience - I feel like giving even more! :)

Click on the icon on the right, and see all the hundreds of people participating in their own give away, and get to know the lady that started this One World One Hear concept... Maybe you can think of something to give away next year!

Twitterly amazed & grateful

I am so in awe... I am totally amazed at the creative people in this world that share their talents with the world. ...and do so in such a peaceful way. Even in our darker expressive creations; they are shared without harming another. We may feel pain or sadness when we see them, even while we are creating them, but their presence is healing.

When I look at others' gifts they share (the poetry of sharing their daily lives with words, in paint, or with twinkling blocks of glass ) I somehow find solace in it. I even find comfort in the posts of others that have found others that have shared. The bits of humor sprinkled in the midst of money madness and mortgage mayhem helps remind me of what is of REAL importance... family, friends, art, puppies, children of all ages. (not necessarily in that order).

To all of you - I am grateful!

Now - can anyone make me feel better or help my absent-mindedness?

Friday, January 30, 2009

What Tarot Card am I?

While I am not a true believer, after taking this quiz, it was kind of cool that it fit so well... I'm not so sure I'm as beautiful as the Empress on the card ;), but It was fun, none-the-less... (I also usually appreciate the art on Tarot cards!)

You are The Empress

Beauty, happiness, pleasure, success, luxury, dissipation.
The Empress is associated with Venus, the feminine planet, so it represents, beauty, charm, pleasure, luxury, and delight. You may be good at home decorating, art or anything to do with making things beautiful.

The Empress is a creator, be it creation of life, of romance, of art or business. While the Magician is the primal spark, the idea made real, and the High Priestess is the one who gives the idea a form, the Empress is the womb where it gestates and grows till it is ready to be born. This is why her symbol is Venus, goddess of beautiful things as well as love. Even so, the Empress is more Demeter, goddess of abundance, then sensual Venus. She is the giver of Earthly gifts, yet at the same time, she can, in anger withhold, as Demeter did when her daughter, Persephone, was kidnapped. In fury and grief, she kept the Earth barren till her child was returned to her.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Going, Going, Going, Going....

I haven't stopped today! It's 11PM and I'm finally settling in to watch Dark Shadows with my honey. It's a nightly ritual. I was too scared to watch when it was actually on TV, so I've become a fan!

I went to painting tonight after Subway with Lobo. I took the chicken painting I've started... I still have trouble adding yellows. I did a little and then went on to the chicken wire. Sometimes I feel like I'm doing so good, and I'm pleased with my work, then I get to painting and I find myself feeling very inadequate. It could be that I haven't been to painting in a month or so, and it could also be the lack of time I've spent with brush in hand.

...and while this isn't painting related, I'm selling my bike. I'd been painting so often and trying to get the co-op off the ground, and physical ickiness - I hadn't been riding.'s a 2002 Ridley Speedster. I'm going to miss having her around, but she deserves to be ridden!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

2 weeks without paint...

I hadn't picked up a paintbrush in two weeks, but last night I started painting a commission of Red Aseel/Asil chickens (a rooster and a hen). I had felt a little afraid that I may have lost something in the way of "how to" ...but it this case it wasn't like I preach... "You don't use it you lose it!' It was still fun and alot seemed to come a little easier than usual. I'll chick - no, I mean click a picture of it as I progress and share results when I get there. I didn't get to paint tonight. Had to come home from work a little early - fought a migraine all day. It got the better of me around 2. Slept until a few minutes ago. I hope I can make it to painting tonight.

Oh, had a nice surprise at work today. A guy that works for the state in Voc Rehab services stopped by for business and round aboutly we discovered we were at same Guild meeting last month. His photo gallery is: I really like the MIssion photos... remind me of National Geographic works. There are also pics of the Guild. His name is Alan. I look forward to him working with some of our students, and enjoying his photography. You go do the same if you'd like. (at least until I can add another one or two photos here!)

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Me-ow in Oil

"Look into My Eyes!"

I've been working on my nieces portraits from a photo. I took it to art class the other day and my instructor brought out the oils. I had never used them before. It was fun, the frustrating, the fun, then frustrating. (One day I'll finish the painting for all to see. I decided to pull them out at home and see what I could come up with. Without committing myself to a looney bin while trying to get techniques down. The ACEO size was perfect to practice with. This is what I came up with... The photo doesn't give the eyes their due, but they do look pretty good if I do say so myself! I still don't have the hang of it, but I see a bit better how it's done. Acrylic will probably be my dru - er, I mean medium of choice.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

ACEO Heaven

What is an ACEO, you may ask? Well, for me, it's been heaven. When I have a little time, and want to get creative, but not enough time to do an 8" X 10" or bigger, I pull out the standard size 2.5 x 3.5 size card stock, watercolor paper, or canvas, pull out the baby paint tubes and fine tip pens and markers, watercolor pencils, and what ever else I want to and get down to it.

The first ACEOs I created were the first art pieces that sold. They were the ones that gave me my permission to call myself an artist! These buyers, really probably have no idea how important their purchase was to me. They were not people I know, or people that are related to me, or even friends of a friend. For this reason, I knew someone appreciated my art, based on the art itself... not just because they feel obligated because I am who I am.

The two pictured above here were those two that first sold. (The top one I original had considered throwing away.) They both are living in NYC somewhere, and I have several more! They are my fledglings. I just pray my artists wings will work well and soar as well! The one on the left is in Calhoun County!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

No longer a comment virgin!

A special thanks to Sandy Sandy, a fellow SmARTist, who posted the first comment! I'm hoping she will be the first of many, from many. I also just added a "myspace" space. I just realized just how extensive the on-line networking can be. I LOVE looking for and at the artists' blogs. (I've also found quite a few of my former students! they'd better behave! lol) I'll be looking at facebook and twitter in the next few days.

Hmmmm - so what to post tonight. I think you'll get my "Boats fer Rent" - I know it's an odd perspective, but I remember 4th of July at the Dead Lakes - Uncle James & Aunt Pearl's place. If I remember right, to get to the lake, you had to go down the hill, and there were several small docks. I also found a Dead Lakes picture or two from the Florida Memory Project . It has a large archive of photos from the state with a pretty good search tool. Great site!
This painting all started with the cricket cage I purchased at an estate auction. It caught my eye and reminded me of one of those childhood memories that gets massaged occasionally. It's hard to see detail, but there are crickets in the cage, worms in the boat, a turtle on the bank and fish shadows in the water.... and a bug here and there.... hope you like.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Here, have a new one...

A little difficult to grab all the detail and hidden animals, but the old-fashioned climbing roses and the cone flowers reminds me a little of my grandmother's garden.

The bird houses boast old tags from Calhoun County and the pathway leads to a cozy little spot to "set a spell" , read a little and play fetch with the pup. All that's missing is you!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

A Horse of Many Colors.

I had been looking at a couple of Southwest Art magazines and was inspired to do this one. I like to do bold unexpected colors. (I have a bookcase I painted for the co-op that has a large funky colored tree on it that is in the same style.) These kinds of paintings seem to come quickly and flow once they get started.... and they are fun without a lot of thinking. I think doing things in unexpected colors helps me exercise my skill of seeing light and dark and shades in between. I'm hoping it will lead me to better ability to do more realistic looking paintings. I'd like the ability to do realism if/when I wanted to - but I'm not sure realism will be my "niche".
Painting to me is therapy, and when the real doesn't look real combined with my sick desire for perfection - it may not be the best idea for me to think realism will be my voice. BUT, I do love a good challenge. Guess I need to listen to my mood and let it dictate what the painting will be. Hey maybe that's why I seem to have 5 paintings started at one time! lol Anyway - I present my Horse of Many Colors and hope you enjoy! The original is an 8" x 10" acrylic.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

SmArtist Artist training...

A few weeks ago I took a leap of faith and have invested in myself and my art by registering and committing to a telesummit. If you click on the title you'll go to their registration web page to find out all they are offering. You know some of us education types.... suckin up all the information we can about what we do. I actually enjoy those meetings and inservices I go to when it applies to something I'm interested in. Things like brain research and how it applies to learning. Treatment of ADHD, (now all known as ADD I understand), etc. Now I will admit I CONSTANTLY doodle during most, but I have ADD so I can multi-task... no I NEED to multi-task in order to pay attention! ...but I digress.

I'm really excited about getting the information. Self-supporting artists - portfolios - how to find corporate buyers , tax and law information and more... all in the next 7 days. All from what appears to be credible qualified people. It's all going to be completed via an on-line format and I'll get a CD and a link if I can't catch it as it is taking place. (Which is a GREAT thing because in spite of my registering for the pre-summit sessions, I wasn't able to get to any of them as they were taking place!)

...soooo I'll be pretty busy these next few days and I may not post anything (also trying hard to do regularly) for a little bit. I am adding two photos... one of a tractor a former student now an adult and friend (Thanks Tonya!!!) took a picture of and then the painting I created from it.
As someone with strong roots in a rural farming area this was "home" and easy to invision the what the inside of the barn might look a little like (which was fabricated from a shallower region of the brain ;). I seem to have a "cartoony" (to me) edge to most of my attempts toward realism - but to me pleasing to my eye. I like the monochromatic color scheme here and learning the white/black color mixing to create the difference in shade was a little challenging. Definitely a learning experience! Hope you enjoy too!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Putting it in Order...

I just have finished painting the tops of my paint and putting them in my new organizer. I'm forever moving from home to school to class and it's been abnormally challenging to find the right color when ever the tubes were just dumped into a traveling bag. I'm hoping the craft tote I purchased will make the flow of paint go easier.

Newsworthy, our co-op didn't make it. ...not enough people to commit to their part in order to pay rent for this month. I'm glad we didn't have a lease. I feel with a little bit more planning initially would have helped us make it a little longer. I've not given up on the thought, and talks of another building has already emerged.

Also, I'd like to thank the members of the Northwest Florida Artist Guild for making me feel at home at my first meeting. I paid my dues, and look forward to our monthly meeting and workshop. The visiting artist was Joan Matey who does "miniature assemblages; mixed media art oddities, puppets and stage props" (got that straight from the site.) She spoke about art and emotional expression. She was featured in a documentary about her Bye, Bye, Bi-Polar Bears assembly, which is now in the appreciative hands of Patch Adams. It was quite a piece! Who would have thought I would start my first Art Guild meeting with tears. The piece was in honor/homage to a brother-in-law who had struggled with mental illness. Very moving, and hits close to home. Joan's creativity pours from her pores. I was inspired.

The painting added tonight I'm calling "Calling on Eagle Ancestors" and it's a 16" X 20" acrylic that started as finger painting. "I love playing in paint!" It is to honor the Native American woman's strength, power, humble & internal pride which can be paralleled with the characteristics of an Eagle. I love the colors and contrast. ...I'm learning and loving!

Friday, January 2, 2009

An abstract for fun... Entitled "Entwined". The original is still for sell, but I've sold note cards created in its honor.

This was one of those that just happened... (Same size as "Lobo's Boots")

One of the most difficult things I've found initially has been pricing my work. I have been told, the going rate for original paintings is $1 per square inch. So, that being the case, this one should have around a $600 price tag. I'll take it - but at this point in figuring out the importance of my art in my financial flow, all is negotiable!!!

Lobo's Boots and Realized Dreams...

It's been so long since I've been here, I had forgotten I had already posted this print photo. But - I'm leaving the post as I posted today. (Just illustrates my brain hiccups!) ...and so it goes:

This is the one that started it all...sorta. Many, many years ago I painted a picture of a washtub of roses. It was probably over 15 years ago. ...and it didn't produce many internal oooo's and ahs. There were a couple others in-between then and this one, with a lot of nibbles of creativity here and there. ...and then I got the bug.

This is a 32" x 40" acrylic (or some measurement like that - I'm in bed and don't feel like getting up... kidney stone #6 I'm afraid - and the memory capacity for numbers continuously diminishes!) It is entitled "Lobo's Boots" and I started with the real boots in front of me. I took the liberty of adding the background with a little biker consultation. I was tickled with the results. While I'm usually pretty content with self-satisfaction, the people in Lobo's life KNEW they were his boots. This external validation fueled the fire.

Since Lobo's Boots my art career has gradually moved upward. A charter member of Big River Valley Art Co-op, I'm getting expert instruction from a local professional, I've finished SEVERAL more paintings and feel I can legitimately call myself an artist. Someone besides family and friends have purchased originals and prints, with their new homes from New York City to Tallahassee. I'm stoked and realize I don't have enough time in the day to do what I love!

My plan is to use this blog as a means to share my work, the fun, the frustrations, the lessons and learning that happen as this part of my life develops. In the next few days I will be adding the collection and hope you come back soon!