Wednesday, January 28, 2009

2 weeks without paint...

I hadn't picked up a paintbrush in two weeks, but last night I started painting a commission of Red Aseel/Asil chickens (a rooster and a hen). I had felt a little afraid that I may have lost something in the way of "how to" ...but it this case it wasn't like I preach... "You don't use it you lose it!' It was still fun and alot seemed to come a little easier than usual. I'll chick - no, I mean click a picture of it as I progress and share results when I get there. I didn't get to paint tonight. Had to come home from work a little early - fought a migraine all day. It got the better of me around 2. Slept until a few minutes ago. I hope I can make it to painting tonight.

Oh, had a nice surprise at work today. A guy that works for the state in Voc Rehab services stopped by for business and round aboutly we discovered we were at same Guild meeting last month. His photo gallery is: I really like the MIssion photos... remind me of National Geographic works. There are also pics of the Guild. His name is Alan. I look forward to him working with some of our students, and enjoying his photography. You go do the same if you'd like. (at least until I can add another one or two photos here!)

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