Thursday, April 23, 2009

Removing Ticks

I know, you're wondering about the title, but you nature lovers understand the importance of this little tidbit.  I have No Clue where the information originated, but it sounds like it just may work.  The e-mail sent said, and I quote:

"Apply a glob of liquid soap to a cotton ball. Cover the tick with the soap-soaked cotton ball and swab it for a few seconds (15-20), the tick will come out on its own and be stuck to the cotton ball when you lift it away.  This technique has worked every time I've used it (and that was frequently), and it's much less traumatic for ! the patient and easier for me. Unless someone is allergic to soap, I can't see that this would be damaging in any way. I even had my doctor's wife call me for advice because she had one stuck to her back and she couldn't reach it with tweezers. She used this method and immediately called me back to say,  "It worked!"

My wish to you... is that you never have to use the information! 

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Pancake Designs and a wonderful family!

Easter is a wonderful day in many ways, but for me it's extra special. I get to partake in my annual ritual of becoming a pancake designer. Yes, the domestic self comes to the surface and I design pancakes. Sunday is normally pancake breakfasts anyway, but on Easter Sunday my pancakes grow ears and a tail.

For those that know my mother, you know how serious (and opinionated) she can be. I'm sure she and I had "fun" when I was little, but the most exciting time I can remember with her was an Easter Sunday where she fixed bunny pancakes. ...just one year. When Jesse was born and grew teeth, I wanted to have him experience the "happy" I had when presented those brown buttered bunnies. ...and the ritual began.

This year, I'm sharing with you all - not a masterpiece, but I saw a guy on the Food network do some phenominal art with pancake batter. He had a squeezie ketchup bottle with batter for more control. I, on the other hand, had a measuring cup. ...I'm going to invest, and next year we'll compare works! (Lobo likes his a little more "brown" than I do!)

It was a little sad today at our family get together, as my Aunt Gerry, and Uncle Clarence were not able to be there. We usually have it at their house, I can never remember having Easter any where else in my 40+ years. We all met at my Cousin Margie's and had a wonderful feast and fellowship with family. You know, the "hmmmm now what's that person's name" moments. I saw Vicki & Debbie, and their children. It was good to see them - it's been years! Overall, it's been a great day! Happy Easter all!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Slurping Up an Apalachicola Art Walk

Saturday was the Apalachicola Art Walk and Wine and Cheese Tasting. I'm not a drinker, but I did say cheese in a couple of photos! ;)

Here I am in all my glory, painting up a storm. (No pun intended with all the wicked weather we've been having.) I had a grand time, sold a little, exposed a lot (and no, I didn't get beads - just a sunburn - and it was only on my right arm!) If you click on the Title, it will take you to the postcard about the event. My honey and I ate dinner at "The Owl" of Southern Living claim - my earnings paid for half the meal and the gas, so I probably made about a dollar. I also had a brush with a celebrity. David Hart of "In the Heat of the Night" had dinner with us - lol o.k., so he was at the next table, but for some reason my honey sees him on a regular basis: at the gas station, at the Captain's Table in Panama City, and there was another time of late. Lobo's a difficult character to forget once you've seen him, so there is always a recognition. I'm usually not too impressed by the "celebrity" fame - people are people. However, I will say Mr. Hart is very comfortable in his own skin, doesn't mind striking up a conversation, and smiles. His wife is also very nice. I did slip him a postcard with my "Dixie's Retreat" painting and told him next time he wanted to hang out with my man all he had to do was call me and I would arrange it. lol I appreciate "Real" people, and I'm pretty good at spotting phony people - David and his wife both seem very real and it was a pleasure meeting them both. Along with the many other people who came by and talked with me - Joe at the Museum, Marsha who lives on a sailboat with Chester (her dog) and a guitar player, Jan my pottery making friend, and many other Georgia folks and Tallahassee folks. Oh, and thank you Gary Wayne - owner of Market Street Antiques for allowing me to set up shop in front of your shop! It was a great day!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I won, and now I'm hooked. )

Since getting notice of winning Punny, I'm using some of my spring break leisure finding blog giveaways. Lots of interesting things out here. The latest I found was from The Giveaway & Laura J.'s Designs jewelry work. I've entered! Very unique stuff.